Lowongan Kerja Solo di SoRAMEN manahan Part Time dan Full Time 2018 Terbaru

Soramen Manahan Solo membutuhkan secepatnya untuk bagian:

Wanita berpenampilan menarik
Umur max 26th
Pendidikan min SMA/SMK (diutamakan akuntansi)
pekerja keras & tanggung jawab.

Syarat lamaran kasir:
Foto 4x6 (1lembar)
Cv & surat lamaran
Fc ktp
Fc ijasah terakhir
Tulis no tlp dan kode lamaran (K)

Fasilitas kasir:
Gaji sampai dengan 1,2juta
Bonus target
Bonus kerja
Uang makan
Mess (untuk luar kota)

Bagian DAPUR
Pria/wanita berpenampilan menarik
Umur max 26th
Pendidikan min SMA (SMP dipertimbangkan)
Pekerja keras & tanggung jawab.
Bisa masak minimal resep rumahan.

Syarat lamaran dapur:
Foto 4x6 (1lembar)
Cv & surat lamaran
Fc ktp
Fc ijasah terakhir
Tulis no tlp dan kode lamaran (D)

Fasilitas dapur:
Gaji sampai dengan 1.5juta
Bonus target
Bonus kerja
Uang makan
Mess (untuk luar kota)

PART TIME( dibagi 2 shift)
Shift1=Jam kerja 11- 5 sore
Shift 2= jam kerja 4 sore - 10 malam

Syarat part time:
Pria/wanita berpenampilan menarik
Umur max 26th
Pendidikan min SMA (kuliah/sampingan)
Gaji mingguan/bulanan
Pekerja keras & tanggung jawab.
Syarat lamaran part time:
Foto 4x6 (1lembar)
Cv & surat lamaran
Fc ktp/karmas
Tulis kode (P)

Fasilitas part time:
Gaji perjam
Bonus target
Bonus kerja
Uang makan
ada waktu ishoma
Libur 1 bulan 4x

Jika berminat segera Kumpulkan lamaran anda ke :

Soramen Manahan Solo
Jln.KS.Tubun No22 Manahan Solo.
Ancer-ancer masuk gang sebelah timur SMA 4 SKA, -+50meter kiri jalan. Buka google map dan cari keyword "soramen resto)
(Antara jam 12 siang s/d 8 malam)

Pengumpulan lamaran lebih cepat lebih baik,
paling lambat tanggal 10 Juli 2018.

Jangan lupa masukkan kode pada pojok bagian luar surat lamaran :
K = Kasir
D = Dapur
P = Part Time


Life Insurance for a Stay at Home Mom

Life insurance is typically reserved for working parents, but it can also be useful to have for stay-at-home mothers as well. No one wants to think about a parent dying, especially not when that individual has young children, but life insurance is an important part of providing security for your family. Even though a stay-at-home mother does not have an income, their everyday tasks certainly have significant value. Before deciding how much life insurance coverage to seek, you must ask yourself what the economic value of a stay-at-home parent really is.

As a stay-at-home parent, you might be confused about if you should get life insurance or how much insurance that you’ll need.

If you’re a stay-at-home parent you might be wondering how much insurance protection that you should buy. It will also look at the different ways that you can get cheaper life insurance to ensure that you’re not breaking your bank to protect your family.

How Much Would Childcare Cost?
If a mother is staying home taking care of her children, just how much would it cost to replace her care with outside services? Could another relative help until the children are at an age where they will no longer need care? If not, it could be necessary to hire a nanny or pay for daycare. Quality full-time care can be extremely expensive. If a mother passes away while her children are young, the father could have to pay for care for many years.

Aside from general care, there is also the question of homeschooling. If a stay-at-home mother home-schools her children, it could be necessary to hire someone else to home-school them in the event of a mother’s death. Private schooling is another option, but that comes with its own set of costs.

Can Dad Handle Working and Taking Care of the Home?
If mom does the majority of the cleaning and cooking at home, it may be difficult for a dad with a full-time job to take care of all of these duties alone. This is especially true if he is trying to deal with caring for his children by himself. It may be necessary to hire someone to clean the house and help cook meals. The family may also end up eating more dinners out instead of cooking at home because of dad’s busy schedule.

Only having one parent adds dozens and dozens of new challenges, and those new roadblocks are going to add up to thousands of dollars.

Would Dad Work Less Hours?
If you lost your wife, chances are you would want to cut back your work hours and spend more time with the kids. Working part-time can give a father and children who have just lost wife and mother time to grieve and come to terms with their new living situation. When a child loses a parent, it is extremely important for them to have someone to talk to about their feelings. If dad can’t be around enough for children to grieve properly, there may be even more bills to pay, namely a child psychologist.

Future Expenses
You can’t predict the future, but there are some bills that you know that your family is going to run into in the future. Life insurance can help your family in the future as well. Your household will only have one source of income, which can make it difficult to cover those expenses.

One of the biggest bills that they will run into is college tuition. If you have a child, more than likely, they are going to further their education. Paying for college can easily cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, especially if you have more than one child. That can be stressful for a single parent to pay for, but that’s where your life insurance coverage comes in.

Getting Affordable Life Insurance as a Stay-At-Home Parent
If you’re dreading the premiums on your life insurance, don’t fear. There are a couple of suggestions we tell our clients before they apply for life insurance.

We tell all of our clients the same thing, quit smoking! We don’t care how much you like your smoke breaks at work. Those little cigarettes are making your life insurance double. Most insurance companies require you to be smoke free for at least a year before you can secure the non-smoker’s premiums. 

Hopefully you’re already going to the gym and not eating junk food late at night, but if you are, it’s time to do a 180 turn. When you take the medical exam, the nurse is going to bring a scale. The numbers that pop up on the scale are going to directly influence how much you pay. Lower numbers mean lower rates.

After you’ve bought your plan, how do you know you got the best deal? Before you sign those papers to get coverage, we also suggest getting about a dozen quotes.

Just because two companies have the same plan doesn’t mean the prices are the same. Two plans which seem identical be hundreds of dollars apart.

Sure, you could take the time to hunt for the perfect plan. Or you can let us manage all the dirty work. We already have the relationship with the insurance companies and can bring the quotes directly to you.

How Much Life Insurance Coverage Does a Stay-at-Home Mom Need?
There is no concrete answer for this. Consider the questions above, as well as what a funeral may cost. Remember that when it comes to things like childcare, your life insurance policy would likely have to cover many years of those services.

source: Bestlifequotes.com