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Lamaran diterima paling lambat 30 Juni 2018
Five Things All Women Need to Know About Life Insurance
Both men and women need life insurance, but traditionally, far more men have gotten policies than women. That said, now that more women are breadwinners and most families in general need both parents to work just to get by, it is more important than ever that women get life insurance policies. Even those who do work primarily as homemakers should look into getting a policy to ensure the future of their loved ones.
Here are Five Things You Should Know About Life Insurance
You Don’t Have to Be the Sole/Primary Breadwinner
A 2013 Pew Research survey showed that four in 10 American households with (children 18 or younger) have a woman who is either the family’s sole or primary breadwinner. That said, you could be the secondary earner in your household and still need a life insurance policy. All you need to ask yourself is, “If I died tomorrow, would my family still be able to maintain their standard of living?” For most, the answer is “no”. Furthermore, keep in mind that even if your family can live on one income, they will still have to deal with funeral and burial costs.
Single Parents Need Coverage More Than Anyone
More than one out of every three single mothers is without life insurance, but parents—especially single parents— are arguably the most in need of it. Remember, insurance is really for your loved ones, not you. If something should happen to you while you are the only parent in your child’s life, you need to make sure that they will still have a secure future.
‘Not Working’ Doesn’t Translate to ‘No Financial Value’
If you’re a stay-at-home mother or even a non-working spouse with no children, that doesn’t mean your daily activities don’t amount to a financial contribution for your family. Think of the costs of a housecleaner, cook, childcare provider, etc. By providing those services for your family, you are saving that money and “earning your keep”, so to speak. Should something happen to you, those outside services may be needed, or your spouse may have to spend less hours at work to perform them, therefore earning less money. Life insurance policy amounts are largely based on personal income (or in your case, the equivalent), so getting one means your family can maintain their standard of living should something happen to you.
A Term Life Policy Could Be All You Need
What some people fail to realize is that there are actually different types of insurance policies. You may be most familiar with permanent life insurance, which involves you paying regular premiums throughout your lifetime. However, there are also term life policies, which are only for a specific period of time, usually between 10 and 30 years. You can save more money by going with a term life policy, which provides you with coverage during the years your family needs the most (i.e. when you still have dependent children), instead of keeping you insured when it is no longer as important.
Policies Are Generally Cheaper for Women
Obviously, this is good news, and it is just one more reason to get one. Women, on average, have a longer life expectancy than men, which means insurance providers see you as being a less risky client. This means lower premiums. On this note, you should also know that in general, the younger you apply for insurance, the cheaper it will be (but only if you’re healthy, some individuals heath does not allow them to qualify for lower premium rates, which is why another option for those is a no medical exam life insurance policy).
How Much to Buy
Before you can buy a plan, you need to determine how large of a life insurance policy you should purchase. To get you started, let’s do some math. Don’t worry, it won’t be as bad as you think.
The main purpose of life insurance is to pay off debts, like mortgage, student loans, and hospital fees. The first number you should crunch is your unpaid expenses. Grab your calculator and add up how much debt your family would be responsible for.
Next, look at your paycheck. Aside from your debts, your salary is the next factor to consider. Your family needs your income. Add in your annual income to your unpaid expenses. Make sure your policy is larger than this sum.
It’s important that you give your family enough life insurance coverage. If your plan is too small, then your family could be left with additional expenses and no money to pay for those bills.
Getting Affordable Life Insurance
Life insurance for women is going to be cheaper than it is for men. Women tend to live longer, which means they are not as risky as men. Even as a woman, there are some ways you can get even cheaper rates.
First thing we advise is to improve your health. Consistent exercise is a great way to lose any additional weight, lower your cholesterol, and reduce your chances of being diagnosed with health complications. It can also help reduce your stress. It’s time that you laced up those running shoes and started hitting the gym,it can lower your premiums.
But even with health conditions, such as someone searching for a cancer life insurance policy, there are companies who can give you the coverage you deserve. If you are older and concerned about affordable life insurance over 50, we can help.
During the application process, the agent will ask you several questions about your smoking or tobacco usage. Your answers could double your rates. If you say you smoke or use chewing tobacco, you’ll watch your premiums double or triple, but you can still get life insurance if you are a smoker.
Each life insurance views life insurance for women through a different lens. Some companies have cheaper rates for females compared to other agencies. You want to find the one which has the lowest rates.
Finding that golden company can be difficult, but we would like to help you as much as possible. We can walk you through step-by-step to getting life insurance. Everything from helping you find a quality plan to saving money on your policy.
Because we are independent agents, we aren’t answering to one specific company. We are partnered with over 30 agencies.
Deciding Which Plan Is Right For You
It’s important that you purchase that right kind of policy for your family. When you’re looking for life insurance coverage, there are several different kinds of plans that you’ll need to consider.
The most popular kind of life insurance plan is a term insurance plan. These plans are bought with a pre-determined expiration date, and after that date, the plan is no longer effective, which means that you’ll have to reapply for coverage.
The other kind of life insurance is a whole life plan. These plans don’t have an expiration date. As long as you pay the monthly premiums for the plan, you’ll have life insurance coverage. Because these plans are a form of permanent coverage, they are going to be more expensive than a term insurance plan.
Buying life insurance isn’t fun. Who wants to plan for their death? Nobody! We can do a lot of the legwork for you and make it much faster and easier.
If you’re interested in discussing your life insurance options further, call us at 888-552-6159. We work with 30 of the top life insurance companies.
source: bestlifequote.com