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Life Insurance for College Students
Life insurance. It’s one of the best financial decisions you can ever make, but it is not something you immediately think of as necessary for a college student who is vibrant, healthy, and young. However, with the state of the economy today, more and more parents today are considering taking out life insurance policies on their college students. If you have a college student and are considering purchasing a life insurance policy for them, check out the information below. It contains several reasons why parents might want their student to have life insurance coverage – or why college students might want to purchase coverage themselves – and the benefits and drawbacks of doing so.
It is easy to dismiss the idea of spending money on life insurance when we’re young, but that is a mistake. Insurance is never more affordable than when you’re young and most likely still in good health.
The Need for Life Insurance
With the state of the economy today, and the amount of student debt people are being left with after paying for college, more and more parents are taking out life insurance policies for their children. The reason behind this decision for coverage is so that parents won’t be left paying for an education that never got to be used in the terrible and tragic case that their student died. Many parents are spending their entire savings paying to put children through schools already, as well as to afford their own lives, so taking out a life insurance policy for your student insures that you won’t have to continue to pay a debt while you grieve for your child. Top insurance companies will cover a healthy college student with student loan debt with a $250,000 for about $10 per month (use our quote tool on the right and see for yourself).
Take A Look at The Type of Debt
If you are thinking about life insurance for your college student, there are several types of debt you should keep in mind. First, student loans from private lenders must still be repaid, even if the student dies. (Government-backed students loans are forgiven in the case of death.) If your child has loans from private lenders, read all of the fine print and find out who is responsible for repaying the debt in case of death; if it is his or her next of kin, you might want to consider a life insurance policy. Another type of debt to take into account when considering life insurance for your student is if you borrowed against your home to pay for their education. If so, purchasing a life insurance policy might be helpful, since paying off the debts against your home will most likely be the least of your concerns if you are grieving a child, and the money received from the policy can help ensure you have a stable, safe place to live in a difficult and unstable time. Finally, also consider if your child has credit card debt on a card that you co-signed for. If so, a life insurance policy can help pay back those debts if something were to happen to him or her.
What’s the Downside?
Ultimately, purchasing a policy for your college student can be a smart move that costs you very little money and helps protect you in case of a terrible tragedy or accident. On the flip side, though, there are some drawbacks to having life insurance for someone so young. First of all, considering life insurance policies can be very grim and disheartening for a young student in the prime of his or her life. It can also put a strain on a relationship between parent and student if the student feels like they are being treated like a financial burden and not a person they love. So, if your college student does not have significant debt, it might be smarter to wait until they are a little older to purchase life insurance, when they can do it on their own time and with their own family’s well being in mind.
If you want to know your options or a list of final expense insurance companies that are available to you, we can help.
Types of Life Insurance
As a young and probably healthy college student, you should have several choices in what type of life insurance to purchase. There are two main types that usually work for most people, and considering those two types is the best place to start.
The type of life insurance most college students choose is term life insurance. Term policies are a temporary coverage in that they will provide a set amount of death benefit for a set duration of time, or term. The amount of death benefit can be almost as little or as much as you choose. The duration of time, or term, is usually anywhere from 1 year to 30 years depending on your need. Because term policies have an expiration, they are almost always the most affordable option.
The other popular type of insurance is whole life insurance. Whole policies are a permanent coverage in that they will provide a death benefit for the full duration, or whole duration, of your life, as long as you pay the premium. One of the benefits of a whole policy is the cash value it builds, like an investment. Whole policies are most affordable when a person is young, but they are still more costly than term because of the investment feature and because of the lifetime duration.
As a college student, a whole life insurance policy could be a good investment. Having longer to pay the premiums provides more time for the cash value to grow, and starting younger locks in a much better premium rate than waiting until later in life.
Getting the Cheapest Life Insurance as a College Student
One of the mistakes young people make when shopping for insurance is overlooking the importance of health factors they can control. While rates are typically much lower for younger people, there are some key factors that could drastically affect the amount of premium you will be charged for your policy. Making just a few health-related changes can make a big difference and save a lot of money.
Insurance companies will take an applicant’s overall health into consideration when determining how much to charge for the policy premium. Simply losing a little weight can make a big difference. Don’t underestimate the importance of diet and exercise even at a young age.
One other major factor at any age is whether or not you are a smoker. If you do, you can expect to pay significantly more for the same insurance plan than someone who does not smoke. The life insurance companies have to consider the greater risk of lung cancer and heart attack that are associated with people who smoke. Because of that increased risk, they have to charge smokers higher premiums. Sometimes the higher amount is as much as three times what a non-smoker would pay.
Working With an Independent Agent
When you consider life insurance there are thousands and thousands of options to choose from. Which company? Which type of policy? Which variables within the policy? What is the cost?
For most people that the last question listed above is often the driving factor, cost. Because every company has different underwriting and rating systems for determining what you will pay, it is important to compare many companies to find the best option.
There are many ways to get multiple quotes and compare various policy offerings from various companies. One way is to do all the tedious work calling and comparing on your own. Another way is to work with an independent agent that can do most of the hard work for you.
Independent agents are different from traditional agents in that we have the ability to compare many different insurance companies, while traditional agents only represent one company. We’re happy to help get you answers to any questions you might have, or simply provide some quote options for you to consider. It’s easy for us. We could potentially have initial quotes for you before tomorrow, which none of us are guaranteed to see, so don’t wait to make this important life decision. Your family deserves it. Simply give us a call or fill out the form on this page.
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