Lowongan Kerja 2018 Digital Marketing / Advertiser Rumah Warna Jogja

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Teruntuk Anda yang suka seru-seruan. . . . 

Rumah Warna adalah Industri kreatif yang berkecimpung di bidang fashion tas, dompet dan pernik pernik wanita yang telah berdiri 16 tahun. Saat ini Rumah Warna sedang membuka kesempatan untuk Anda yang ingin bergabung seru-seruan bersama Tim kami. Adaun posisi yang dibutuhkan saat ini adalah : 


Dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut : 
  • Pria/ Wanita, usia maksimal 28 tahun 
  • Pendidikan terakhir SMK/SMA,D3, S1 
  • Ceria, Percaya diri, dan Optimis 
  • Jago running ads/ penyebaran online (FB Ads, IG Ads, Google Ads) 
  • Memiliki pengalaman running ads menjadi nilai tambah 
  • Memahami branding produk, kreatif 
  • Membuat strategi marketing dan bertanggung jawab di bagian digital marketing 
  • Siap ditempatkan di Jogjakarta 

Apakah terlihat sesuai dengan kualifikasi diri anda ? 
Jika, Anda merasa adalah orang yang kita cari segera kirimkan surat lamaran dan cv ke email kami sebelum tanggal 30 Juni 2018


Tuliskan kode pekerjaan pada subject email : Advertiser 

Alamat kantor : 

Kantor Pusat Rumah Warna 
Jalan Kemuning no 17 Sawitsari, Condongcatur, Depok, Sleman DIY

Ditunggu yaa, see you :)


You don’t just buy life insurance when you marry or have a baby

It’s common knowledge — if you get married and certainly when you have a baby, you buy life insurance. Not everyone does it, of course, or gets around to it right away, but I think it’s safe to say that most intelligent grownups at least begin to think about buying life insurance when they reach those two momentous life milestones.

But it’s also safe to say that those aren’t the only important milestones that should trigger thoughts of buying life insurance.

After all, the idea behind life insurance is that should something happen to you, and you were to die, you will leave money behind so that anyone who depends on you financially will have income that can get them to the point in their life where they can be financially independent.

So what sort of milestones should make you consider whether you need more life insurance? Here are a few big ones beyond the two most obvious (getting married and having a baby).

A new job. If you’ve taken on a new job — and especially if you’ve worked for several companies or had multiple raises and promotions since you bought your life insurance, you should definitely think about purchasing more. As Ray Caucci, senior vice president of product management, underwriting and advanced sales at Penn Mutual Life Insurance, puts it, “You want to consider what the economic loss will be to your family if you died prematurely, by taking into account your own net worth and the expected income that you would have earned that you will now have to replace — and the life style your family has gotten accustomed to.”

In other words, if you were responsible and bought life insurance when you had that first job, the one where you still had to eat Ramen noodles on occasion and took staycations instead of vacations on your time off, but now you wouldn’t think of throwing some steaks on the grill, and vacations are a high point of your year, your lifestyle is probably considerably better and more expensive to maintain now. Ya probably need more life insurance.

A new house. One of the things you probably bought as you’ve climbed the career ladder is a new place to live. Maybe you’ve left behind apartment life for a house or a condo, or a starter home is a thing of the past, and you now live in a gated community. I know it’s unpleasant to think about, but if something would happen to you, on the life insurance policy you originally purchased, could your family keep making the mortgage payments?

A second baby. Buying life insurance is probably the last thing you want to think about right now. Maybe your first child is still young and going to be wearing diapers for awhile, and now you’re about to double your diaper expense. Plus, you’re thinking you need some new baby furniture and more clothes, and here’s this knuckleheaded insurance guy telling me that I need to consider buying more life insurance.

Well, maybe you don’t. As Caucci told me, “It depends on a person’s circumstances. Parents who are just getting by may need insurance but may not be able to afford it.”

In other words, if that’s the case, and money is tight, and you’re already insured, it isn’t like your spouse is going to say to your second child, “Sorry, this life insurance payout is only going to pay for your sibling and me.” You can hold off for awhile. But you should at least start thinking about the idea that you may want to get more life insurance at some point down the road.

A third baby. If you haven’t purchased life insurance since your first, I’d definitely be reviewing my coverage and analyzing whether your spouse would be able to carry on with three children and the money you’re leaving.

A fourth baby… OK, no need to hit you over the head. By now, you’ve gotten the idea.

Private school. Maybe things were tight when you first got married or had a baby, and you bought just enough life insurance to feel like your family wouldn’t be on the street if something happened to you. But now, your income has climbed substantially, and you have children attending a private school. Could they afford to keep going to private school if you one day you checked out early?

Your kids are starting college. With any luck, you were thinking about your kids’ college long ago, and your life insurance payout reflects that. But according to the College Board, a nonprofit designed to help make college more accessible to students, twenty years ago, on average, a year at a public college cost $4,343. Now, it’s $9,139 a year. (You don’t even want to know the prices for private schools.)

The point is that college costs change over the years, and what you thought a university might cost when your child was a baby may not be the reality by the time they get to higher education, especially if they’re going to an expensive, elite institution. If something happened to you, could they afford to finish college?

You’ve started a business.  You may have started your business in order to leave a legacy to your kids. Well, you have an online business, or maybe you went old school, purchased a giant plot of land and started a farm. Maybe you figured someday the kids would run it after you retired, or you would sell it in your old age and leave most of the profits to your family. But if you buy the farm long before selling your farm (see what I did there?), will your kids be able to run it without you?

“In a lot of small businesses, you have one key employee, the owner,” Caucci says.

So if you’re gone, what happens to that small business?

In fact, your wife or husband and kids may discover that without you there to run it, your business is a weight that drags them down into a spiral of financial doom and despair. If you start a business with a lot of assets, or one that requires competent employees to be hired to run it, and you want it to thrive if you would ever check out prematurely, you may want to buy a lot of life insurance. Or some sort of business insurance.

You’ll probably also want to discuss your affairs with an estate planning attorney, if you haven’t already

Helping out your parents. Are you part of the sandwich generation, where you’re helping to support your kids and your mother or father? Maybe one of your parents, or a spouse’s parent, has moved in with you? Or you’re constantly shuttling Mom or Dad on errands and paying for their medication? Could they get by without your income stream?

True, hopefully a long time ago you purchased ample life insurance, enough built-in for these sort of expenditures. I’m definitely not saying that each of these milestones means you should buy more insurance. But if one or more of these milestones have happened to you, and you’ve only bought life insurance once, odds are, you need more life insurance.

Well, actually, to be technical, you don’t need life insurance at all. You can get just fine without it. But your family may someday need it. And if you thought to buy life insurance after some of your own defining moments, by leaving your loved ones money to pay for their college and weddings, you’ll be helping them get through their own life milestones all the better.

Whether you are looking for a one million dollar life insurance policy or something different such as needing a final expense insurance quote. We can help answer your questions and guide you in the right direction.

Source: Bestlifequotes.com