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7 Things You Never Knew about Life Insurance

As with anything, the better you understand life insurance, the more likely you are to make good judgments about the policy and the provider you choose for coverage.  Of course, you don’t need to become an expert, but you should work with an expert such as an independent life insurance agent who has knowledge of various companies and which one might be the ideal fit for you.  Even so, it helps to become more familiar with life coverage and a few of its ins and outs you might not know.  The following facts will help ground you more securely in the world of life insurance so you’ll be more comfortable as you consider a new life policy. Here are seven things you never knew about life insurance.

How Long Has Life Insurance Been Around?
Did you know that life insurance has its roots in the ancient world?  A Roman military leader, Caius Marius, began a fund among his soldiers deemed a burial club in 100 B.C.  If one of the men died, the other club members would then pay the costs of the funeral.  Later, more groups began to opt for a similar approach with clubs of their own and some even began to include sums for the family members left behind.

Life Insurance is Cheaper than you Think
According to the independent industry research organization LIMRA, “Consumers overestimate the cost of life insurance by nearly three times“.  While term policies tend to be less expensive than permanent policies, the fact remains that you simply must investigate insurers and policies to know the real costs as they relate to you.  You may fall into a preferred category, for instance, and qualify for even better rates.

Health Exams are Mandatory for Life Coverage, Right?
Actually, people do obtain life insurance without going through a medical exam–even from the most reputable providers.  If you are young and are shopping for a short-term policy–like a ten-year term policy–you may apply for coverage without an exam where such policies are offered.  You’ll have to answer questions about your health (i.e. have you had any surgeries) and lifestyle (i.e. do you smoke), but you can obtain term coverage at a good rate without an exam in many cases.  On the other hand, depending on the insurer you may be faced with more expensive premiums since the company is taking on higher risks by not knowing your full health profile.

Life Insurance Benefits are Tax-Free
Death benefits associated with life insurance are income-tax free.  This sum–even quite large sums–are not income, after all.  However, there may be instances where a tax is included.  For instance, if you opt for a plan that provides your beneficiary with partial benefits at a time, the remaining portion collects interest; that interest–not the principal sum–is taxable.  Also, certain clauses like ‘incidents of ownership’ may render the policy subject to the federal estate tax; however, you should talk to your qualified independent insurance agent who has expertise with these nuances–rare that they are.  Most policies include tax-free benefits.

You can Leave Money to a Pet!
life insurance for a petIt’s true–you can leave your benefits to your pet via a pet trust.  Your pet cannot be listed directly as a beneficiary because in the eyes of the law it is part of your property.  Even so, a pet trust is simple to set up and your benefits can be left to the trust.  You’ll want to stipulate the future ownership and care of the pet, of course, and also where the remainder of the funds will go once the pet has died.  According to The Wall Street Journal, “trust funds for pets are on the rise,” demonstrating that many pet owners do care about what becomes of their pets.  Your insurance agent can help you designate a reasonable amount to put into the trust; however, there isn’t a cap.  Keep in mind, though, that large sums may incite remaining family members to seek litigation which will cost that pet considerably as legal expenses will be deducted from its trust fund.

It’s Not Just the Bread-Winner Who Should Be Covered
Many families have policies created for each member of the family.  No one likes to think about a family death, but the policies, particularly for children, may simply be enough to cover funeral costs.  A spouse who does not earn a salary, however, should certainly have a good life insurance policy.  Replacing the services the deceases spouse brought to the marriage will be a significant expense.  A simple search of the costs associated with cleaning and child care will almost certainly convince you of the necessity for covering a homemaking spouse.

Even Singles Need Life Insurance Coverage
While you may not have a family or spouse to protect, you can leave benefits to extended family members–perhaps family members who helped support you in your early years or those you’d simply like to leave better off should you die.  The benefits can be used to pay off debts you’d like paid and to pay for funeral costs.  Moreover, you might wish to leave the benefits to your college or a charity you care about.

Life insurance doesn’t have to be complicated; in fact, it can be rendered quite simple once you discuss your needs with your independent life insurance agent.  The key is always to initiate your coverage sooner rather than later.  Your agent can match you with an optimum policy that meets all your needs with a provider that is reputable and ideal for your situation.
