Info Lowongan Kerja Guru dan Pustakawan SMP Di Sleman Jogjakarta

Halo para pencari kerja jogja, bagi kamu yang berminat di bidang ngajar mengajar anak SMP, ini mimin punya informasinya yang cocok buat kamu, bisa di kepoin dulu kok syarat dan lokasinya, langsung cus siapin berkas dan CV kamu, jangan lupa pakai baju yang rapi yes. Ayo simak dulu informasi lengkapnya di bawah ini. 

SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman memanggil kader pendidikan terbaik Putra dan Putri Jogja

Posisi yang Di Butuhkan: 
1. Guru PKn
2. Guru PAI
3. Pustakawan

Persyaratan Untuk Melamar Kerja: 
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 sesuai bidang utk 1&2, D3 untuk 3.
2. Diutamakan laki-laki utk 1&2.
3. Bekerja keras dan berkomitmen tinggi dengan dunia pendidikan.

🗒Kirimkan berkas lamaran ke kampus SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Sleman, panggeran, Triharjo, Sleman paling lambat Jumat, 6 Juli 2018.

📱 Informasi : 08122784176 (Bapak Hasanudin)


4 Tips for Buying Life Insurance

Super confused on where to even begin to buy a life insurance policy?

Don’t fret; While there are dozens of different options, we can help you narrow it all down. It can also be hard to see more than 15 years into the future to have an idea what will work out the best for you in the end. However, there are certain rules about life insurance that will apply to most people’s needs. Here are some tips to keep in mind when shopping for life insurance.

Term Coverage is Usually Better
When you start your quest to buy life insurance, you’re generally looking at getting either a term life insurance policy or a permanent life insurance policy. Although it may seen counter-intuitive, term life insurance policies tend to be a much better investment. They are much cheaper and cover you for your prime earning years. Some Insurance agents will try to attract you to permanent life insurance policies by touting their investment opportunities. However, the investment opportunities are generally negated by their high commission fees and more expensive premiums. Furthermore, there are much better investment opportunities available than the ones offered by permanent life insurance policies.

Don’t Go Cheap
It can be tempting to try to find the least expensive life insurance policy that you can find. However, doing this may be setting yourself and your family up for disappointment. It is generally worthwhile to stick to reliable companies with proven track records. There may be some companies that will grant you dirt cheap insurance premiums, but if they don’t have a good reputation, they could potentially go under. If the company disappears, so does your money. Furthermore, life insurance premiums have gone down even with top companies. You are likely to find a great deal on a good policy with a good company.

Don’t Lie
It seems like it might be a good idea to lie about any preexisting health conditions or other risks that would increase your insurance premiums. However, you are very unlikely to get away with any such lies. Most insurance companies will investigate if you die within a couple of years of buying the policy. If your lie is discovered, your family may wind up with no money and an expensive court battle.

Do Some Research Beforehand
Before discussing anything with an insurance agent, be sure to shop around online. Have some idea about the prices you’ll be looking at for the amount of coverage that you require. Although insurance agents are knowledgeable and can answer your questions, they also have incentives to sell you on the most expensive policies possible. Educating yourself beforehand can help you get the best deal that is available.

If you go into the shopping process blindly, buying life insurance can be a lengthy, expensive process. However, there are many ways that you can get the best prices possible without compromising the value and reliability of your plan. Life insurance is a long-term investment that can be the deciding factor in your family’s future financial security. Be sure to go into the process with as much information as possible.
