Rumah Makan Manggar Manding adalah rumah makan keluarga yang terletak di Jalan Parangtritis KM 11,5 Manding, Bantul dengan spesialis Gudeg Manggar, Brongkos dan Gurameh Organik yang berdiri sejak 2014.
Saat ini Rumah Makan Manggar Manding sedang membutuhkan :
Syarat :
Pria/ Wanita
Pendidikan S1/ sederajat
Berpengalaman di bidang rumah makan minimal 3 tahun
leadership, komunikatif, inovatif, mampu kerja dengan target
Minimal SMA/SMK
Jujur, Teliti
Bisa bekerjasama dalam Team
Pria/ Wanita
berpengalaman sebagai marketing restoran
memiliki jaringan yang berhubungan dengan restoran lebih disukai
memiliki kendaraan sendiri
Pria/ Wanita
Memiliki kemampuan dan ketertarikan dalam dunia internet dan desain
kreatif dan inovatif
mampu menguasai website, corel draw, photoshop, dan sosial media
Mempunyai perangkat pendukung sendiri
Pria/ Wanita
Tidak Terikat waktu dan tempat
punya minat di bidang marketing khususnya dibidang rumah makan
sistem berdasarkan komisi
minimal pendidikan SMA/SMK, khusus bidang tata boga/ barista lebih disukai
berpengalaman di bidang barista
ulet, cekatan, mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan
Pria/ Wanita
Minimal Pendidikan SMA/SMK
pernah bekerja sebagai waiter sebelumnya lebih disukai
kerja keras, teliti, supel, dan siap bekerja dibawah tekanan
penampilan bersih dan menarik
Kirim Lamaran :
dengan subjek format Lowker
kelengkapan lamaran :
CV, Surat Lamaran Kerja,
atau dapat kirimkan langsung ke :
Rumah Makan Manggar Manding
Jalan Parangtritis KM 11,5 Manding Sabdodadi, Bantul.
info: / 0274 368707/ 081575773335
The Benefits of a 25 Year Term Life Insurance Policy
You might already be familiar with a 20 or 30 year term, but have you heard of a 25-year term life insurance policy? The following article will discuss the life insurance providers that offer a 25-year term and the benefits for buying such a policy. The differences in price between the 20, 25 and 30-year term policies will also be covered, as well as the options for 25-year term life with no medical exam.
What are the options for coverage?
The majority of life insurance providers offer life insurance policies with terms of 10, 20 or 30 years. However, not every company has a 25-year term policy available. There are several cases when a 25-year term life insurance policy would be ideal. For example, if you are not able to afford a 30 year term policy, but you feel that a 20-year term is not sufficient for your current family needs. You might also want to consider a 25-year term if you are 50 and you want to be covered until you are in your mid 70s. People who are 40 and want to be covered until they reach the retirement age of 65 are also perfect candidates for 25-year term life insurance. Let’s take a look at the various companies that currently offer life insurance policies with terms of 25 years.
SBLI is an insurance company that currently has an A+ rating from A.M. Best. They offer a 25-year term life insurance policy. When you are attempting to price term life insurance, their rates are considered to be among the best.
Protective Life Insurance
Protective Life Insurance also carries the distinguished A+ rating given by A.M. Best. The company was founded in 1907. Their rates on 25-year term life insurance policies are considered to be competitive and they have a unique term life policy.
Another A+ rated company, Transamerica is unique for several different reasons. The majority of providers of life insurance will only allow people who are a maximum of 55 years old to purchase a 25-year term policy, so they would be no more than 80 when it expires. However, Transamerica has a cutoff age of 65 for 25-year term life insurance policies. This is a great company for people over the age of 55 who can’t get life insurance from other companies.
Most life insurance providers have a minimum coverage amount of $100,000. However, Transamerica has a minimum that is only $25,000. If you are looking for less than $100,000 of coverage, Transamerica is an excellent choice.
Transamerica also allows policies that do not require a medical exam. A policy of up to $250,000 can be obtained by people up to the maximum age of 60. People up to age 70 can obtain as much as $50,000 of coverage.
American General
American General is an ideal company if you are looking for a 25-year term life insurance policy and you are considered to be slightly high risk. They offer competitive rates for people suffering from diabetes, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, people who use a pacemaker, people with an irregular heartbeat and other various conditions.
What is the cost of a 25 year Term Life Insurance Policy?
In order to examine how much people can expect to pay, let’s use the example of a man who is 50 years old. He is applying for 20, 25 and 30 year term policies for $100,000 at standard non-tobacco rates. Let’s take a look at how much the various terms cost:
1. A 20-year term life policy for $100,000 a standard non-tobacco rates for a 50 year old male = SBLI charges $440 per year.
2. A 25-year term life policy for $100,000 a standard non-tobacco rates for a 50 year old male = SBLI charges $632 per year.
3. A 30-year term life policy for $100,000 a standard non-tobacco rates for a 50 year old male = Transamerica charges $775 per year.
A 25-year term can be a good alternative to a 20 or 30-year policy. You can get a longer term than a 20-year policy, while saving the money that a 30 year term would cost. Alternately, you can apply for a 30 year policy. If you get approved, you can switch to a policy of 20 or 25 years once you have the approval. A 25-year term gives you more options regarding which policy to choose after your approval.
Getting Lower Insurance Rates
25-year term plans tend to be very affordable. Most companies offer competitive rates which should fit in your budget. Even with the cheaper coverage, there are ways you can knock those rates down even more.
You probably know that smoking cigarettes isn’t good for your health, but it’s terrible for your bank account. Not only do you buy the cigarettes, but you also have to pay drastically higher insurance premiums. Smokers have are riskier applicants. More risk means higher rates.
After you’ve quit smoking, continue improving your health by going to a Zumba class or going for a job around your neighborhood. When you take the medical exam, they are going to bring a weight scale. Lower numbers on the scale mean less money out of your bank account in premiums.
There are a lot of companies out who sell 25-year term plans. All of them are not the same. Some companies have cheaper 25-year plans than others. We assume you want the cheapest, but how do you find it?
That’s where we come in. We work with more than 30 highly rated companies. Instead of having to take the time to contact different companies and receive your quotes for a 25-year term plan, we can bring you the 30 different quotes. We basically serve you quotes on a silver platter.
We are independent agents, and you might be wondering what we do. We can actually direct you through the whole process. From beginning to end. We can help you decide between term or whole, how long you need life insurance, how much you’ll need, and much more. We want Best Life Quotes to be your go-to source for all things life insurance.