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6 Things You Should Know About Life Insurance
Making a decision about life insurance is probably one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make that you won’t be a part of the end result. Life insurance is about taking care of the needs of the ones you love. Asking the right questions before hand is important to securing the coverage that will be most beneficial for your family. The Internet is a great place to do your preliminary research.
While you’re making your insurance decisions consider the following:
“Dependents” Doesn’t Always Mean Kids
Image via Flickr by LyndaSanchez
Prior to learning about the types of life insurance, think about who depends on your income. Your dependents are more than just your spouse and/or children. Keep these questions in mind when planning for the future:
Do you have aging parents you support in some way?
Do you have a sibling with special needs?
If you’re not married, but own a home with someone, does that person need your income to pay the mortgage?
In the insurance world, “dependents” can be wide-ranging. If you think about who depends on you financially before speaking with an agent, you’ll have a better understanding of what you’ll need.
There are Multiple Types of Policies
There are a lot of options so research is essential to figuring out what is best for your family. Life insurance falls into two camps – those with an investment option and those with a death benefit only.
Note that the investment options are considerably more expensive than a straight-up life insurance policy as you are both investing and insuring at the same time. Keep this in mind when selecting your level of coverage. You don’t want to scrimp on your insurance policy.
Death Benefit Only (Basic) Policies
A policy that pays out upon death at any time is called a permanent policy; whereas, a policy that pays out upon your death (only) during a specific period (such as 10, 15, 20, or 30 years) is called term life. In either instance, the benefit is paid to your survivors/named beneficiaries.
Investment-related Policies
There are several kinds of investment-related policies. Each is slightly different in how they invest the money. In addition to a death benefit:
Whole-life policies have a savings component based on an investment fund.
Universal life has a money market component.
Variable life and variable universal life are life insurance policies tied with a stock or bond mutual fund investment. These policies do not guarantee a return.
Everyone Contributes to the Household
While an agent can help you decide the amount of coverage needed during a life insurance needs analysis (or ballpark it with this tool), it helps if you’ve done your homework ahead of time. Think about the portion of your salary that goes towards your family’s expenses. If your children are grown, are you still supporting them? Do you take care of aging or in-firmed relatives? What kind of debt do you have?
If you are a stay-at-home spouse, don’t discount your contributions to the household. Without you running the home and taking care of the children, these services would have to be outsourced. Think about the cost of child care and the help needed for errands and/or housekeeping.
Asking the Right Questions Yields the Right Policy
Now that you’ve mapped out your needs and have a better understanding of them, speak with an insurance professional and/or research plans. Once you’ve narrowed down your search, make sure you are comparing similar plans by securing an outline of each. Every company is slightly different and when you factor in the waivers available, plans can vary greatly. Make sure you chose the option that’s best for your family by asking questions of the providers such as:
How were my needs assessed? If the agent has provided you with a needs assessment, find out how he/she arrived at that number and how deep the analysis went.
What kind of benefit does the policy offer while I’m living?
What’s guaranteed with this policy and when can I expect returns? Asking what investment you’re guaranteed is an important one as projections are just that, and often, projected returns are inflated. It may take several years of accumulation before a policy would pay out on the investment part, so ask up front.
How are changes to health handled? These can go either way as your health improves or declines. Make sure you understand how the company handles that.
All Word-of-Mouth Referrals are not Created Equally
While it’s great to get a referral from a friend or family based on the level of service an insurance company provides, if they have not collected on a policy with the company, there’s a portion of service that is still unknown. People who have gone through the process are likely to be better references.
Hidden Advantage to Buying Now
The cost of buying in your twenties (or even thirties) is much lower than purchasing later on, plus you’re more likely to qualify for a policy. As you age the risk of insuring you increases, as does your cost.
The chances of you being diagnosed with a health problem that precludes you from coverage, or makes it very expensive, also increases. Covering yourself now ensures you’ll have coverage when you need it and the cost savings to doing so can be great.
If you have a health problem, it doesn’t mean you won’t be able to get coverage. It will probably be more expensive. Ignore the urge to fudge your health answers on the application. If there’s a claim filed, know that the insurance company may investigate. If they discover a knowing inaccuracy was provided on the original application, it may void your policy. That is a headache your dependents won’t need.
Bonus tip: review your policy periodically to make sure it still fits your family’s needs. Additional children can mean greater financial need so make sure you revisit it periodically.
Navigating the life insurance purchase doesn’t have to be overwhelming. If you know the terms, understand your needs, and ask the same questions of each provider, you’ll find the exact coverage to take care of your family when they need it most.