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Consider These 4 Things When Adding Life Insurance to Your Monthly Budget

More young people are planning their future than you may think. According to the Insurance Information Institute, “Life insurance ownership jumps dramatically as young consumers advance in their careers, with over half of consumers aged 25 to 34 owning policies, compared with 18 percent of those under 25.”

It’s time to buckle up those big kid pants and start considering your future. That includes life insurance. It’s true, the possibility of your own mortality may not be at the front of your mind – especially if you’re young and in good health. If you’re crunching the numbers and just can’t find a place – or a reason – for life insurance, you’re not alone. Most people would prefer to avoid talking about death and money, let alone planning for them.

If you’re splitting hairs on your monthly budget to make room for life insurance, the time to buy is now. Read on to learn exactly why life insurance is important and what to consider when adding it to your monthly budget.

1. Your Monthly Spending

Image via Flickr by Tax Credits

If you’re crunching the numbers for life insurance, start with your monthly spending habits. You must first know not only all of your expenditures, but the ones that can be cut as well. The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) has done the heavy lifting on what the average American’s monthly budget looks like.

According to EPI, a monthly budget for a young, two-parent and one-child family should include the following:

Housing – the amount paid for rent or mortgage.

Food – money spent on monthly groceries and dining out.

Child care – the monthly price of daycare cost.

Transportation – the amount spent on gas and related maintenance.

Health care – the cost of health insurance and remedial purchases.

Other necessities – the amount spent on clothes and other like items.

Taxes – the amount owed toward state, federal, and social security tax.

EPI offers a standard planning tool that guesses your budget based on where you live. However, if you want a true picture of your monthly expense and where you can stand to spare, utilize a budget calculator.

If you’re looking for places to trim the excess, begin by drilling down to only the necessary items. Consider life insurance a budget essential.

2. Your Monthly Saving
For families who can afford it, leaving enough room for monthly savings is an important part of budgeting. You may worry that adding an extra expense could detract from your allotted monthly savings. First, consider this: your family could actually lose their savings in the event of your unexpected death.

Funeral expenses, medical bills, credit card debt, and mortgage are all a significant part of final expenses. Even if you do save monthly, it may not be enough. Huffington Post reports, “More than three-fourths of Americans don’t have enough money saved to pay their bills for six months.” This shocking statistic doesn’t even begin to capture the burden of final expenses, plus the need for the surviving spouse and family to compensate for missing income in cases of death.

If you have no monthly savings, and your family lives pay check to pay check, then the peace of mind that life insurance offers should be a no-brainer.

3. Your Debt
If you hold joint debt with your spouse (such as a mortgage), or other family members (such as a co-signed car loan), then your family may be fully responsible for this debt if you pass away. Of course your total debt should be considered a part of your monthly budget, but make sure you’re looking at the complete picture. What you and your spouse pay together today may be the sole responsibility of the other in the future.

Take time to consider what your budget would look like if you or your spouse were no longer contributing. The EPI tool comes in handy here. Create a hypothetical family budget with the bills listed, plus any joint debts added. What does it look like? Still can’t fit life insurance into your budget?

4. Your Family
Your family is the best reason for considering adding life insurance to your budget. Forbes notes, “The main reason to own life insurance is to provide your loved ones financial protection in the event of your premature death. And as time goes by, the needs of what the insurance will provide typically evolve as well. In their early 20s and 30s, most individuals purchase life insurance to cover items such as housing, raising children and future income potential. As people move into their 40s, 50s and 60s, their focus also includes supplementing retirement, estate planning and leaving a legacy.”

In fact, all of the other budgeting considerations revolve around family. That’s because life insurance is the ultimate selfless act. It’s money spent toward a value that you’ll never take advantage of. You may just consider it another bill, but to the loved ones you leave behind it’s a meaningful parting gift that allows them worry-free grieving.

Shopping for Life Insurance
Now that you’ve measured the value of life insurance against your monthly budget, it’s time to take notes on what to look for when you shop. Not all life insurance policies are created equally. To find what’s best for you, keep crunching the numbers.

Revisit the figures you’ve already established for your monthly budget. Multiply your monthly budget into an annual figure. This is how much money your family needs to live without you. Decide the coverage you can afford that best meets that number per the amount of years you wish to provide support.

This time, when you look at your income versus budget, reflect on where retirement will fit in as well. While it may seem like a long way off, the policy you pick now could greatly impact your future.

Setting aside extra money for an almost intangible expense is inconceivable to some. But love is immaterial too. You can’t budget affection for the future, but you can make sure your family is provided for for years to come.

What’s holding you back from adding life insurance to your monthly budget? Share your thought in the comments below.

Referensi: bestlifequotes.com